by Karen | Mar 6, 2017 | ACT Software |
Wow! As hard as it is to believe the Act software program is celebrating its 30th birthday this year. If you’re into numbers that translates into 19 versions, six owners and millions of users. Believe it or not, it is not unusual for me to have a client tell me that...
by Karen | Feb 15, 2017 | CRM Usage Tips |
Back in the day new software used to come in a box along with a CD and instruction manual. Although that ship has sailed a long time ago, that doesn’t mean that you no longer have a source for learning about your new purchase. In fact, there are more sources for for...
by Karen | Feb 1, 2017 | ACT & Zoho Consulting, ACT & Zoho Training |
Tech Benders is pleased to announce that Act Consultant Roy Laudenslager recently earned the spot of Featured Partner on the Act! Community forums. The forums, located at is the site used by thousands of Act! users to get quick answers to...
by Karen | Jan 11, 2017 | ACT Software |
I’ve been personally using Act! Premium v19 for my own production database since it came out earlier this month and feel that Act! v19 is “ready for prime time.” However, there are still many Act! users of prior Act! versions who have not as yet upgraded to Act! v19....
by Karen | Jan 2, 2017 | CRM Usage Tips |
In the past I’ve shared one of my favorite Act! tricks which is to copy the holidays from outlook to Act! so that you’ll have them on your Act! calendar. You might want to review my past blog article because this is a quick way to populate your Act! calendars with...
by Karen | Dec 23, 2016 | Database Repairs & Conversions |
So, you’ve purchased an upgrade to ACT and you’re ready to install it. Sounds easy, right? Sure it is – if you’ve got your ACT together! Here are some tips to help you with your Act Database conversion. Here’s a few hints that will help...
by Karen | Dec 6, 2016 | CRM Usage Tips |
I recently had a client call me to tell me that they were not going to upgrade their Act! to the latest version because they had outgrown Act!. “Karen,” they explained, “Act! just isn’t giving us what we want. We need a good pipeline report. We can’t find any of the...
by Karen | Sep 8, 2016 | ACT Software |
HOST YOUR ACT DATABASE IN THE CLOUDS With ACT For Web you have two options: Host it yourself: Add IIS and a static IP to your server and ACT will take care of the rest! Act Hosting Services: Have And here’s the best part of all – ACT for Web is included as...
by Karen | Sep 3, 2016 | ACT & Zoho Consulting |
The Act! software is a great tool for businesses, but you may be having a hard time getting the most out of it. If you find your operation struggling with the expansive software, you should consider bringing in a certified Act consultant to assist you in operation of...
by Karen | Aug 13, 2016 | ACT Software |
Back in August, 2000 I ran an Act 6.0 launch event. I was super excited as it had been over 4 years since a previous release of Act, and this version had Outlook integration! I planned for the event for months in advance. I enlisted over a dozen Act Add-On vendors to...