The Future of Act v21 Pro

The Future of Act v21 Pro

Act v21 Pro is no longer available. Sorry. It’s been discontinued. David F wrote this email to me today: “I’m using version Update 8.  I’ve been using Act! almost from the time of it’s entry into the marketplace.  As I...
Reminder: Your Act! v24 Upgrade is Available

Reminder: Your Act! v24 Upgrade is Available

Last week my phone started ringing off the hook; Swiftpage had sent out an email announcing the release of Act v24 and the demise of Act v22. The message started, “As you’ve likely heard, Act! v24 was released last fall, and as an Act! subscriber, you have...
The Future of Act v21 Pro

Your Act! Software is Being Retired

Oh my! Whenever I receive a barrage of email from panicked Act! users I can pretty much assume that Swiftpage sent out a new mailing went out. The latest one informed users of Act V21 that their Act software is “being retired.” Rest assured, there is no...