by Karen | Apr 27, 2015 | ACT & Zoho Consulting |
When I work with Act users with either Swiftpage E-Marketing or Act E-Marketing I like to point out that there are two separate but equal processes: Composing and sending an e-blast Reporting on the results If you are sending an E-mail blast in Act to more than 50...
by Karen | Mar 17, 2015 | ACT & Zoho Consulting |
I had someone call me last week who was enraged that Act! Support was not able to help them convert their Act! 5 database (circa 1999) to the latest version, Act! v17. Another customer couldn’t understand why Swiftpage wasn’t willing to convert their...
by Karen | Feb 23, 2015 | ACT Software |
For all of you who are currently using Act! v17 – or thinking of moving to v17 I have great news: Act! v17.1 is due to be released on Wednesday, February 25th. This update is free to all users of Act! 17. New features include: Act! v17.1 Call List Improvements...
by Karen | Feb 13, 2015 | ACT Software |
Now that you have purchased Act! v17 for your business you may think that hiring an Act! consultant is a waste of time and money. The software does it all already doesn’t it? Wrong! Act! is only beneficial to your business if you utilize it properly, and that is... by Karen | Feb 6, 2015 | ACT & Zoho Training |
I had a great conversation with a new prospect the other day. He was using a fairly old version of Act! (Act! 2008) and knew he needed a change. “Karen,” he lamented, “we might as well be using a Rolodex and a wall calendar. I know there is so much more that we...