zoho recycle binThe ZOHO Recycle Bin

It is easy to remove records in ZOHO. Fortunately, it’s just as easy to recover them! The ZOHO Recycle Bin stores all the records from all the CRM modules as well as any attachments that are deleted from the ZOHO CRM. The records in the recycle bin will be available for 60 days after which it will be permanently deleted from your help desk account.

  1. Click the Setup icon in the Tab bar.
  2. Click Recycle Bin under Data Administration area of the Setup handed!
  3. Select the check boxes of the records that you want to restore In the Recycle Bin. You’ll notice that ZOHO provides you with the type of item that was deleted as well as the person who deleted the item along with the deletion date and time. Talk about being caught red-handed!
  4. Click Restore.

If there seems to be a lot of information that you are having to fish out of the Recycle Bin you might consider taking a look at the Security Profiles you have setup and remove the ability to delete data.

Now if there were only an easy way to take back some of the things we’ve inadvertently said!

Need help with ZOHO? Contact the ZOHO Consultants at Tech Benders!