ZOHO ONEI am often asked to give an Act! demo or a Zoho demo. I’ll do them but the truth is that I feel they can be very misleading. Like a movie trailer, they show the highlight reel without the bloopers.  Relying on them alone is like expecting a microwave dinner to taste like a chef’s masterpiece.

CRM Software Demos: Fantasy vs. Reality

Demos are the superhero movies of software – flawless on screen but not quite the same off-screen. They’re like test-driving a sports car on a clear road and then hitting traffic in real life. The bottom line is that most demos have a small set of data based on “typical” usage and not necessarily YOUR usage.

CRM Demos Are Mostly All Glam, No Grit

Good CRM sales people will promise the moon but skip the fine print. It’s like an infomercial for life-changing gadgets – they lead you to believe that everything will work perfectly. In reality, a good CRM consultant knows that there are many, many steps involved in a CRM Implementation and/or CRM Conversion.

You’re the Spectator, Not the Star of the CRM Product

Watching a demo is like being in the audience at a magic show – you’re wowed but don’t learn the tricks. It’s like expecting to cook by binge-watching a cooking show. You’ll be dazzled by the bells and whistles you see but you won’t know how to use them or apply them to your own business.

The Cinderella Moment: My CRM Product Doesn’t Work

Demos set expectations sky-high but forget about the ugly stepsisters. It’s like trying on Cinderella’s glass slipper and realizing your foot doesn’t magically shrink. The bottom line is that you might be dazzled into buying something that just doesn’t mesh well with your way of doing business. Or with your wallet.

CRM Customization Conundrum

Demos don’t mention the Rubik’s cube challenge of customization or integration. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole and hoping for fireworks.

Conclusion: Beyond the Glitter of CRM Software Demos

CRM software demos are just the flashy opening act. It’s like dating someone based only on their Instagram – surprises are bound to happen! The real show starts when you dive in and explore beyond theact perpetual license glittery facade. Remember, the unscripted moments beyond the demo stage are where the real story lies!

Like your magic fairy I am here to help if you really insist on an Act Demo or a Zoho Demo. Just realize that as a CRM Consultant my job is not to sell you into buying a product but rather to make sure you get the one that will best fit your needs. Not sure if you need Act or Zoho? Let me know; I’m here to help!