act emarketingI am asked to compare Constant Contact vs Act E-Marketing several times a week. My explanation revolves around all the benefits you receive from using Act Emarketing.

Constant Contact and Act Emarketing are both “email service providers.” That means that these products send out your messaging using their servers. Typically you must pay a fee of some sort to use these services. In exchange for this fee the email service provider offers you several benefits including:

  • Including an opt-out button and suppressing the email address of these people from future mailings
  • Making sure you include your physical address in all your mailings
  • Monitoring your level of “bounces” to guard against using a purchased email list
  • Safeguarding their servers to make sure that your e-blast will be able to get through the spam settings used by the largest email providers including AOL, Yahoo and Gmail
  • Providing you with a plethora of reports to measure the success of your mailing

I actually love Constant Contact for the main reason that they have exposed so many people to the concept of email service providers. However, if you are an Act user you need to be using Act Emarketing. In addition to all the features that Constant Contact provides the Act EMarketing platform provides these benefits:

  • You don’t have to export your contacts out of Act! and import them into Constant Contact
  • You can use the Call List feature to create an Act! Lookup of all the contacts that showed the most interest in your campaign.
  • Act! will update the contact’s history tab with campaign information such as number of opens
  • Act! automatically updates the opt-out and bounced fields.

Want to learn more about Act Emarketing? We’re here to help. Conact Act Consultant Karen Fredricks for help!