act premium v21Just a quick post to let you now that Act v22 Pro is on sale for $249.99 through 3/31/20. This represents a $100 savings from the MSRP.

Yes, this is the LAST version of Act Pro that will be available for purchase. The product is being discontinued as of June 30, 2020. I’d say that 33 years is a pretty great ride!

Q: How can I purchase Act v22 Pro?
A:  Use this link.

Q: Can I continue to use Act v22 Pro after June 30?
A: Yes, and you’ll be able to purchase support through June 30, 2021. However, no new update patches will be released.

Q: Will Act v22 Pro work with Office 365?
A: Yes, through June 30, 2020. The integration between Act and Outlook will most probably stop working some time after that as Microsoft releases future updates to the Office 365 product.

Q: What happens if I want to purchase Act Pro after June 30th?
A:  You will need to move to the Act Premium product.

Q: I currently use Act v11 Pro. Do I qualify for the discount?
A: Yes!

Q: I have an older version of Act that I can’t move to a newer machine. Do I qualify for the discount?
A: Yes!

Q: Does Act v22 Pro include support?
A: No!

Q: I have an older version of Act. Will I be able to move my database to another computer?
A: Yes, but you may need some help. If that’s the case you can buy an optional support plan.

Q: I have an older version of Act that I can’t move to a newer machine. Do I qualify for the discount?
A: Yes!

Got further questions? We’re here to help! Contact the Act Consultants at Tech Benders for more information!