ACT AMAAct by Sage. Sage Act. Act Premium. Act Pro. Act for Web. Act Growth Suite. Act Saas. Act CRM. Act Companion. Act Essentials. What’s in a name? In this case, a whole lot of confusion! Although the Act product has been owned by Swiftpage (who purchased it from Sage Software) since 2015 the upper management has changed (and changed and changed) numerous times since then. Those changes have brought changes to everything from the product naming to changes in fonts, colors, and even capitalization. Those changes have brought a lot of confusion to Act users. Here’s a brief rundown of some of the various Act names.
  • Sage Act (or Act by Sage): Now you are showing your age. During the 10 plus years that Sage owned the product they embedded their name into the title. This time period probably represented the highest period of growth for Act as many Act users still try to reach out to “Sage” for support.
  • Act Premium Perpetual License: Once upon a time you could purchase Act Premium and use it forever and ever – or until either you or your computer crossed the rainbow bridge. In 2016 Act Premium transitioned to an “annual subscription” platform. Shortly afterwards the licensing scheme mysteriously changed meaning that although you could use your Premium product for a long time you wouldn’t be able to use it on another machine.
  • Act Premium Subscription is the traditional “non web” version that many of you are familiar with.  Just remember this about Act Premium. It is not “on the web” but does require a yearly renewal. It includes Technical Support. It now includes the “entry-level” version of Act Marketing Automation which includes 2,500 emails/month.
  • Act Pro: This is the little brother to Act Premium. It was designed for single users or very small business all working together in the same location. It was a perpetual product meaning it was a “one-time” purchase. This product was discontinued in June, 2021 although there are still a few copies to be found. Just remember, if you do purchase Act Pro it is “no longer supported” which means if you have Outlook 365 or purchase the new version of Windows when it’s released it will probably stop working and can’t be “fixed.”
  • Act for Web: This product was literally Act Premium designed to work on a web server. Unfortunately it was based on older technology and users complained about spotty performance. Swiftpage used to offer hosting for this, and still hosts thousands of users on this platform. Although Swiftpage will no longer host new subscribers you can self-host his product or work with an Act Hosting Partner. One of the cool things about this product is that you can work in a mixed environment of both web and desktop users.
  • Act Marketing Automation (AMA):  This product allows you to reach out to your customers or prospects via email along the lines of Constant Contact or Mail Chimp directly from your Act database. More importantly your campaign results will be written back into the database so you’ll know who bounced, who opted-out and who actually wants to buy something from you. All current Act products include some form of AMA.
  • Act Growth Suite: Gone and forgotten. When AMA first arrived on the scene you had to purchase it separately. Act Growth Suite gave you a discount to purchase Act for Web, Act Premium and AMA in one bundle.
  • Act CRM: This is the latest and greatest offering. It is 100% “cloud based.” It can be purchased as either a monthly or yearly subscription. You can upload your current Act Database to the Standard and Expert versions; your layouts and all your data will remain in tact. There are three flavors; although all three include some form of Act Marketing Automation there are a few “gotchas” you need to know before purchasing.
    • Act Essentials: Are you a brand new user who just needs the barebones of CRM to carry around on your phone? This product would work for you. Need multiple users, have an existing database or need custom fields? This is not your product!
    • Act Standard: This is the most popular choice for users seeking a cloud solution. It will import your existing Act database (unless you have a really old database circa Act 6 or older) preserving all your data and even your layout. However, although you can edit or delete your existing fields, you cannot create new ones.
    • Act Expert: Have a really large database that requires new fields and advanced queries? This is your product although it carries a very hefty price tag.

I know it’s hard to name a product – or your kids! I struggled naming my daughters and hoped that they wouldn’t demand a name change when they reached their teens. I am trying to name my new puppy and it’s not easy! But most of us don’t have “do-overs” which, as in the case of Act!, lead to a whole lot of confusion.

Want a trial of Act CRM? Click Here.

Still confused? I’m here to help! Please reach out to the Act Consultants at Tech Benders!