You might have received an email this week regarding the relationship between Act! LLC and Tech Benders.
Act! LLC, formerly known as Swiftpage LLC and Sage LLC, may be undergoing restructuring and has decided to take over your account directly, rather than using me for support, servicing, and sales.
Many of my customers have already contacted me with their questions and concerns, so I encourage you to do so as well, either by phone or by email.
Rest assured, Tech Benders remains a viable and trusted source for your CRM needs and isn’t going anywhere.
Furthermore, I understand their email asks you to give your credit card number without letting you know when your software subscription expires or even what the amount due will be. This could mean that they will automatically charge your card when your subscription is due, without your approval at that time.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Karen Fredricks
President at Tech Benders