Sage ACT! is the top selling CRM software application, and helps businesses to centralize contact information, organize their calendars and notes, and ultimately maximize contact relationships to optimize business efficiency and profitability. ACT! includes a variety of dashboards and reports to help business owners measure the success of their marketing efforts.
The Sage ACT! 2011 Dashboard and Report Cookbook is my twelfth book on contact management software and represents a transition by me to a new publishers after 11 previous books written under the “For Dummies” label. The cookbook style is designed to give you simple steps to help you learn a new software feature. The recipes will show you how to create custom dashboards and reports, as well as utilize the new templates available in recent ACT! versions. You will learn to use ACT!’s Report Editor and Dashboard Designer so that you will be able to easily view important information about your business and your sales force.
I was delighted to have Roy Laudenslager as the co-author of this book. Roy has worked at Tech Benders for the last 8 years and is considered the foremost expert on ACT! reports in the world. In addition, he’s a great writer and has the ability to break down complex tasks into small, manageable pieces.
The book is available in paperback and e-book formats.
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