What Does a ZOHO Consultant do?

zoho consultantWhat a ZOHO Consultant Can Do for You


Everyone knows that sales are the lifeblood of any business and if you hope to make your business successful, you need a good base of clients and a robust sales pipeline. ZOHO Software can help you keep your business sales flowing. Hiring a ZOHO Consultant is the wisest investment you can make.

Why Hire a ZOHO Consultant?

A ZOHO Consultant can do a number of things to help your business succeed including designing your database to reflect your unique business needs, customize your ZOHO database to reflect the areas that are unique to your business and then use that database to help expand your company.

Other Act! Services a Professional ZOHO Consultant can Provide:

  • Needs assessments
  • Implement data conversions and imports
  • Offer advice on third party ZOHO add-ons
  • Determine the best solutions for Remote Offices
  • Troubleshoot technical issues
  • Develop E-Marketing campaigns

ZOHO Helps you Keep up with your Client’s Needs

Businesses that do not use A ZOHO consultant are slower to adapt to fluctuating business climates and ever-evolving customer needs. For example, you may want to build your LinkedIn presence, or automate you’re the way you reach out to prospects.

3 Levels of ZOHO Consultants

Typical ZOHO Consultants -This level of consultant will sell you the ZOHO product and addons.

Good ZOHO Consultants – This level of ZOHO consultant will offer you a limited amount of training so that you can add new contacts, create queries and maintain a calendar.

Great ZOHO Consultants – The rarest breed of ZOHO consultants, this level of consultant is all we have here at Tech Benders! We will build your existing successful processes into ZOHO, help develop new processes in the case that you don’t already have any in place and make sure that you use ZOHO to expand your business.

If you are interested in having a ZOHO consultant help to grow your business, please contact us today!