Please Note: Act Pro v24 is no longer available for Resale. Please enter a comment below for your options or send an email with your questions.
ACT! Pro – It’s b-a-a-a-a-ack!
ACT! Pro is back – for a short time only. Yes, the product that you were told had been discontinued has been “undiscontinued.” Is that even a word?
In any event you can make your purchase of ACT! Pro v24 for $449.99.
And yes, this is a “one time perpetual” purchase. And no, it does NOT include any support although I will send you installation instructions. You can purchase a 30 day support plan for $89 or a year of support for $229.
What you need to know:
- This is the only 64 bit version of Act Pro; you can also install it in a 32 bit environment
- This is a one-time Perpetual license
- This product is not recommended if you use Office 365 and want to integrate to Excel, Word or Outlook